Crisis Helplines

In case you need immediate help: If ever you are feeling hopeless, suicidal, or simply in need of speaking with someone, there are numerous free and anonymous hotlines with trained operators available.

If you think you have a medical or mental health emergency please call 911 immediately or present to your nearest hospital.

Suicide Prevention / Depression Support

Substance Abuse / Alcoholism

  • US: National Drug Information Treatment and Referral Hotline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
  • US: Alcohol Abuse and Crisis Intervention: 1-800-234-0246
  • US: National Cocaine Hotline: 1-800-COCAINE (262-2463)
  • US: Al-Anon/Alateen Hotline (for friends and family) 1-800-344-2666

Rape, Abuse & Domestic Violence

Gay / Lesbian Issues

Pregnancy / Sexual Health

Medical Emergencies


Websites for Therapists by TherapyTribe